Sunday, 17 February 2013

Out and about

No further progress to report on the Saloon. The last two weekends have been mostly taken up with changing the alternator on our Volvo V40. A fairly straightforward job but a complete PITA compared to working on the Triumphs - primarily because of all the stuff that has to be either removed or shifted out of the way just to get access to the alternator. It didn't help that it was the first time I've had to do anything on the Volvo and I didn't know my way around. I reckon I could do it in a couple of hours now...

Unfortunately the Saloon's going to have to wait a while yet because the next two weekends will have to have be spent stripping and rebuilding the suspension on the Land Rover.

Got the Volvo finished yesterday morning and found myself pondering over the Spitfire. I wasn't intending to tax it until the start of March but it was such a glorious day I just couldn't resist it. A quick trip to the Post Office and a couple of hours later the cobwebs were well and truly blown away.

And when we woke up to another glorious day this morning, well, it was just too good an opportunity to miss. The first road trip of the 2013 was on and we set off after an early lunch. Decided to do one of my favourite short runs down to Moffat. A71 from Livingston to Edinburgh City Bypass, then A702 to West Linton, cut across to the A701, turn off at Tweedsmuir and go over the hills past Talla and Meggat reservoirs to join the A708 at St Mary's Loch, then to Moffat via the Grey Mare's Tail.

Decided to travel light with just an iPhone 5 and I wasn't expecting to get any decent pics - but it looks like the iPhone 5 has a better camera in it than I thought!

The climb up from Talla reservoir.

Parked up at Meggat reservoir.

Meggat reservoir.

When we got to Moffat we parked up at the boating pond, swapped the driving shoes for walking boots and decided to partake of some of these:

Finally, we left Moffat going north on A701, past the Devil's Beef Tub, Tweedsmuir and Broughton, then cut across onto the A721 to pick up the A70 at Carnwath, then the B7008 to West Calder and the A71 again back to Livingston.

The Spitfire is running as sweet as a nut at the moment!

A brilliant day out!